Wednesday 2 February 2022


WHAT’S ON in Term 1 in Year 3 



   INQUIRY UNIT – “Mindful Me”

 Central Idea: The choices people make affect their wellbeing.


Key Understandings:


Self-talk influences our feelings and behaviours.


We learn from our successes, failures and challenges.


There are things I can do to manage my emotions.


A growth mindset can influence the way we respond to challenges.


Focus Questions:

How do my thoughts affect my feelings and actions?


How do I learn from my experiences?


What strategies can I use to manage my emotions?


What does it mean to be well balanced?



 During Term 1, all Year 3 students will be assessed with regard to their mathematic proficiency. Daily instruction, experience and practice of maths will be targeted at individual needs. Our teaching and learning will be aligned with the Victorian Curriculum for Year 3 standard but with a constant delivery to challenge and extend every student whatever their current ability.



 Our literacy programs in Year 3 have a blend of different activities and routines. All Year 3 classrooms operate literacy groups with weekly rotating activities. The Year 3 teachers are also committed to have an individual personal reading conference with each student every fortnight.


Our school has adopted the well renowned CAFÉ Reading Teaching Model for developing students’ reading abilities. This model encompasses comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary and we deliver it with a differentiated approach for all the children.


The students will plan, create and up-level in VCOP Big Write sessions. In Term 1 we shall focus on narrative, report and recount genres. Our SMART Spelling Program is functioning consistently across our whole school. There is a focus on a new spelling principle each week and this is reflected via our chosen words for weekly homework.


Speaking and listening are very important literacy skills. In Year 3 at GPS we take pride in giving our students opportunities to develop these skills in a variety of settings and dynamics.



All Year 3 students will have opportunities to learn and create work on school laptops. Computers are integrated into all our classroom subject areas. Our school is officially registered with Mathletics and Essential Assessment and students have individual logins for these programs.  



Homework will begin in the week beginning February 14th. Everybody will have their daily spelling words to practise, plus one maths activity for the whole week to complete. Students are also to conduct their own personal reading at home and they are expected to write the titles of books they read into their Homework Books. The homework has been designed for Year 3 students to do independently, but it is always great to see parents taking an interest in what their children are doing for homework.



 Year 3 classes have specialist lessons (Performing Arts. Japanese, Visual Arts and Physical Education) during the afternoon block of Wednesdays and the middle block of Thursdays. Assemblies are generally Monday mornings and Buddies with Year 1 classes are during some part of Friday mornings. We also conduct Year 3 Sport one session a week and each classroom has a library session once a week.

 Please read our school’s weekly online newsletter to be informed of important dates and news.